Hugo + Alpine.js + TailwindCSS Quickstart

Using my development environment setup I’m going to generate a new hugo site.

The first time we access the hugo container we need to ensure the hugo/src folder exists:

mkdir hugo/src

We will start by opening a bash terminal to our hugo container:

./ hugo bash

Then we can verify our Hugo version:

hugo version
# => hugo v0.107.0-2221b5b30a285d01220a26a82305906ad3291880 linux/amd64 BuildDate=2022-11-24T13:59:45Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

From here, we can refer to the official Hugo quick start and initialize Hugo:

hugo new site . --format yaml

Next we will setup tailwind, alpinejs, @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio, @tailwindcss/typography and a few other javascript modules used for development:

npm init -y
npm install -D \
  @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio \
  @tailwindcss/typography \
  alpinejs \
  autoprefixer \
  concurrently \
  postcss \
  postcss-cli \
  postcss-import \

We will leverage the Tailwind CLI to manage the Tailwind build outside of Hugo. We will also modify the hugo/src/package.json scripts to add some helper scripts for managing the hugo and tailwind build pipelines:

// hugo/src/package.json
  "scripts": {
    "start": "concurrently \"npm:watch:*\"",
    "release": "concurrently -m 1 \"npm:build\" \"npm:deploy\"",

    "watch:tailwind": "npm run build:tailwind -- --watch",
    "watch:hugo": "npm run hugo:memory -- -D server --baseURL ${HUGO_BASEURL:-localhost:1313} --bind= --templateMetrics",

    "build": "concurrently -m 1 \"npm:build:tailwind\" \"npm:build:hugo\"",
    "build:tailwind": "tailwindcss -c ./tailwind/config.js -i ./tailwind/app.css -o ./assets/app.css",
    "build:hugo": "hugo -v --minify",

    "deploy": "concurrently \"npm:deploy:*\"",
    "deploy:hugo": "hugo deploy -v",

    "hugo:memory": "hugo",
    "hugo:disk": "hugo --renderToDisk --cleanDestinationDir --disableFastRender"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio": "^0.4.2",
    "@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.5.8",
    "alpinejs": "^3.10.5",
    "autoprefixer": "^10.4.13",
    "concurrently": "^7.6.0",
    "postcss": "^8.4.19",
    "postcss-cli": "^10.1.0",
    "postcss-import": "^15.0.0",
    "tailwindcss": "^3.2.4"

The next step is setting up TailwindCSS which requires two files:

// hugo/src/tailwind/config.js

/* global module require */
module.exports = {
  mode: 'jit',
  content: [
  plugins: [
/* hugo/src/tailwind/app.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

With those files added we can uncomment the lines in our hugo/Dockerfile and run ./ in a new terminal session. Once started we can visit our site at http://localhost:1313 and see an “Empty Response” page because we dont have any content files or templates in our Hugo site.

Let’s add the required files to actually see something.

<!-- hugo/src/layouts/_default/baseof.html -->
<!doctype html>
<html lang="{{ .Lang }}">
    {{ block "head" . }}
      <title>{{ .Title }}</title>
      {{ partial "style" . }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ block "main" . }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ partial "script" . }}
<!-- hugo/src/layouts/_default/home.html -->
{{ define "main" }}
  <div x-data="sampleComponent({{ jsonify .Title }})">
    {{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
<!-- hugo/src/layouts/partials/script.html -->
{{ $build := dict
  "targetPath" "app.js"
  "params" (dict
    "basePath" ("/" | relURL)

{{ with resources.Get "script/index.js" }}
  {{ $script := js.Build $build . | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
  <script src="{{ $script.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $script.Data.Integrity }}"></script>
{{ end }}
<!-- hugo/src/layouts/partials/style.html -->
{{ with resources.Get "app.css" }}
  {{ $style := minify . | resources.Fingerprint "sha512" }}
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $style.RelPermalink }}" />
{{ end }}
<!-- hugo/src/content/ -->
title: Hello World Title

# Hello World
// hugo/src/assets/script/sample-component/index.js
import { basePath } from '@params';

export default (...initArgs) => {
  return {
    init() {{ basePath, initArgs }, null, 2));
// hugo/src/assets/script/index.js
import Alpine from 'alpinejs';
import sampleComponent from './sample-component';'sampleComponent', sampleComponent);


With all of those files added we can run ./ and load up our page at http://localhost:1313/ and see a TailwindCSS styles “Hello World”. If we open up the javascript console in the developer tools we should see an object output that looks like this:

  "basePath": "/",
  "initArgs": [
    "Hello World Title"

Note that the basePath is embedded in the code from Hugo on build while the initArgs are passed in at runtime when we initialize the Alpine.js component with x-data.

The last little bit before we commit the project to git is adding the .gitignore which should look something like this:

# .gitignore